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3 Effective Ways to Add Trust Badges to Your Shopify Store

Remember how hard it was for you to trust a stranger on your first encounter? Quickly think about a relationship you have solid trust in and how long it took you to get to that trust level. Done? Now, follow me. 

That same feeling occurs to your existing and prospective consumers whenever they visit your Shopify store. Humans are naturally sceptical about where to place their trust especially when it comes to parting away with their hard-earned money. 

Hence, they need constant, honest and timely reassurance that trusting your business, product or service won’t become a thing of regret for them. And guess what? The trust badges are just the right fit for your Shopify business’s entrusting needs. 

In this article, you will be reading about four different and effective methods of adding these trust badges to your Shopify store. Sounds useful already? Read on.

What are Shopify trust badges?

Shopify Trust badges are symbols, icons or even logos specially made for display in a Shopify online store to demonstrate the business’s commitment to security and trustworthiness. These badges help boost your store’s sales by increasing the customers’ trust in the business. They signify that your store has specific features that boost buyer-seller trust and are authenticated by Shopify which is the hosting e-Commerce platform. 

Trust badges can be used to reassure your customers that their personal information and credit card information are safe when shopping at your Shopify store. It also shows that your store is taking steps to protect customer data. 

You can see this as McDonald’s endorsing a smaller hamburger business with tags and promotional badges. It would surely increase their trustability and perception on the side of the consumers. 

Hence, the Shopify trust badges work similarly. It helps generate more revenue through improved brand trust and loyalty in your customer base. They are usually placed on the product page, at the end of a checkout page or at the footer of the Shopify website page. 

Overall, displaying Shopify trust badges guarantees that your store can help customers feel more confident in completing a purchase and show that you take customer security seriously.

Types of trust badges and where to put them on Shopify? 

There are several types of trust badges you can add to your store on the Shopify platform, such as shipping, refund, return, promotions, taxes,  warranties. Although all of these trust badges serve different and specific purposes, they can still be used simultaneously on your shopping platform. You will read about the most popular and effective ones below. Follow thoroughly.

  1. Money-Back Guarantee Trust Badge

This is one of the most effective types of trust badges for eCommerce stores including Shopify ones. It is usually time-bound for 15 days, 30 days, etc. This means that if the buyer doesn’t find the best use for the product, they can return it and get their money back, but the product must be in perfect condition and must be returned in time. This trust badge can be best placed on the checkout page.

Source: Landerblog.

The money-back guarantee trust badge enhances customers’ trust, reduces the risk of purchase and cart abandonment, and eliminates the fear of buying the wrong product for the customers. 

  1. Free Shipping Trust Badge

Psychology proves that humans are naturally motivated to take action when an incentive or freebie is involved. Therefore, this trust badge milks the same psychology to generate more conversions for a store or business online. 

Source: Freepik

This trust badge can be added to the header of a website, the footer of a website or even the checkout page for great visibility.

  1. Free Return Trust Badge

This trust badge uses a similar psychology to the ‘free shipping trust badge’. The simple act of giving freebies. The only difference is that this badge signifies that a customer can return any purchased product without additional cost for logistics whatsoever. It helps show that your store or business establishment believes in the quality of your product enough. 

Source: Freepik

In this case, displaying a ‘free return’ trust badge shows that the store is ready to take its product back from a customer at any discrepancy in its promised utility. It can be displayed on the footer and/or header of the website, or the checkout page. 

  1. Payment Platforms Trust Badges

These types of trust badges are usually made to directly protect and improve your customers’ financial security status while buying online. The payment platform’s trust badge leverages trusted financial solution brands to boost your store’s trustability amongst its visitors and customers. 

Source: Mason

It includes using recognised brands like PayPal, Visa or Mastercard for its payment options. This way, the store can ride on the back of these payment platform giants, offer great payment security to its customers, boost sales and increase its brand trust in the market. This trust badge can be placed at the footer of your website or store page for improved effectiveness and visibility.

  1. Awards Trust Badge

This trust badge showcases various awards and recognition certificates a business or store has in the form of a badge on the store shopping page. The award trust badge helps solidify the store’s relevance and evidence of great quality delivery in the market. 

Source: TrustPulse

Concurrently, it provides customers with more reasons to trust a business or store’s credibility. The footer part of a website is a great place to display this kind of trust badge too. 

  1. Product Features Trust Badge

This trust badge highlights all the important and benefitting features of a product. For example, a footwear product made from sustainable materials can emphasise its features in a trust badge like 100% Sustainable, 100% Safe, Zero Emission; 100% Green Energy, 100% organic, etc. 

Source: Quickreply.ai

It supports the product offering promised during product marketing. This badge can be placed on the product page for aligned purposes and effectiveness. 

  1. Partners Trust Badge

Partnership is another great form of promoting and boosting a business’s revenue reasonably. And this style of business promotion has been around since time immemorial. Leveraging your partnership with revered, successful and recognised third-party businesses can boost your credibility. 

Source: Delante

For example, Google can partner with Shopify and create a Google-verified eCommerce platform for Shopify. This would bring a lot of traction, increased trust and sales conversions for Shopify. It can be placed at the footers and headers of a website for great visibility. 

How do I add trust badges to Shopify? 

A Shopify store without trust badges is perceived to be less secure than stores that have. This can scare off your page visitors and customers which directly leads to you losing conversions and sales. Therefore, it is important for you to know how to add these badges on your store. 

Use third-party apps on Shopify

This is the easiest way. Many online Shopify apps provide a range of trust badges, and makes it a breeze to add them to your pages. 

Take the Trust.Me app for an example 

It is completely free, ranked No.1 in the trust badge section of the Shopify store. This app offers you 50+ free badge templates, and allows you to upload your own badges. 

It takes only one click to add your selected badge onto your desired pages. Here are the steps: 

  1. Install Trust Me app on your store. Choose a badge type.
  2. Start customizing the header, font, alignment, badge size, color, animation efforts and other details. Meanwhile, you can preview all the live changes.
  3. Once finalized, click Save on the top right corner. 

Edit payment options in the footer on Shopify

Most Shopify stores support enabling payment icons in the footer, making them visible to your customers across all pages of your store website. Here are the steps:

  1. Visit the Theme editor on your Shopify store.
  2. Proceed to tapping the Footer button.
  3. Then, check the Show payment icons on the new displayed page if it is meant for the payment platforms trust badges..
  4. After adding your trust badge under this category, tap Save to effect your changes.

Note that this customisation works for all Shopify free themes. If you wish to add or delete your own payment badges (for brand consistency for example), it is better to edit your theme code.  

  1. Log into your Shopify store account.
  2. Proceed to the Online store segment of the page. 
  3. Tap the Theme section under the Online store segment.
  4. Under the new segment, tap the Actions button again. 
  5. Afterwards, click on the Edit code button.
  6. From this new page, tap the footer.liquid file option.
  7. Use the find button to search for this code {% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}. 
  8. Replace the code in step 7 with this {% assign enabled_payment_types = ‘visa,master,american_express,paypal’ | remove: ‘ ‘ | split: ‘,’ %} {% for type in enabled_payment_types %}.
  9. After pasting the code in step 8, click on the Save button to effect your changes.

The above steps are specially made for desktop users. Go here to read more on how to edit your footer for iPhone and Android.

Create your own badges and add it via Shopify theme or coding

Designing your own trust badge image gives you the flexibility to display the exact information you want on it, compared to the rigid and fixed style on the available trust badges template. So, if you want to take control of the visual direction of your trust badge, you can also create them from scratch and add them to your store by yourself.

Add trust badges to product pages via coding 

Manually adding a trust badge to your product pages like adding a picture won’t be visually appealing. It’s best you add them via your theme liquid file. For this, you would first need to upload your new trust badge image. 

  1. Visit your Settings page. 
  2. Tap the Files button. 
  3. And on the newly displayed page, choose Upload files. Upload your ready-made badge images. 
  4. Copy the URL of your trust badge’s new image.
  5. Proceed to the Online store segment of the page. 
  6. Tap the Themes section under the Online store segment.
  7. Click the Actions button on the top right side of the page.
  8. Afterwards, click on the Edit code button.
  9. From this new page, tap the Product page code option under Sections.
  10. Search product-template.liquid and edit it.
  11. From here, fill in the copied URL code of the new image you uploaded on the Settings page from step 4.
  12. After pasting your chosen code, click on the Save button to effect your changes.

Add badges onto the cart page via Shopify theme 

66.5% of visitors to a website’s cart pages end up abandoning their chosen items. Surely you don’t want this for your store. Time to win your customer’s trust on your cart pages with certified trust badges. These two ways can help you do this easily. 

  • Log into your Shopify store account for total access.
  • Proceed to the Online store segment of the page. 
  • Tap the Theme customisation section and find the Cart page.
  • On this page, find the option to Select image.
  • Afterwards, Upload your secured Shopify trust badge image. 

Then, you are good to go.

Add badges onto the cart page via coding  

If your theme doesn’t support adding badges onto the cart page, then try editing your liquid file. You must first upload your images to your store account settings page too. 

  1. Visit your Settings page. 
  2. Tap the Files button. 
  3. And on the newly displayed page, choose Upload files. Select from your local drive and upload your readymade badge pictures. 
  4. Copy the URL of your trust badge’s new image.
  5. Then, proceed to the Online store segment of the page. 
  6. Tap the Themes section under the Online store segment.
  7. Under the Themes segment, tap the Actions button again. 
  8. Afterwards, click on the Edit code button.
  9. Go to your Cart page and find cart.liquid under the Templates segment. 
  10. Or search cart-template.liquid under the Sections options to edit it..
  11. From here, fill in the copied URL code of the new image you uploaded on the Settings page from step 4.

Then, you are all set.

Add badges on the checkout page via Shopify theme 

Most Shopify themes allow you to add badges directly on the checkout page. Therefore, no coding is needed. 

  1. Visit your Settings page on your Shopify store account and choose the Checkout option on the left listed column. 
  2. Tap the Customise checkout button. 
  3. From here, go to the Checkout page. 
  4. On the Checkout page, you will need to click the Select image under the Logo section.
  5. And on the newly displayed page, choose the Upload button to add the document of your trust badge image.
  6. After the upload, the added trust badge automatically displays at the top of the Checkout page.

FAQs about Trust Badges

  • Do trust badges increase sales?

Yes, they do. A survey of online shoppers shows that 48% of the respondents get reassurance from trust badges they see on store pages. And this directly influences their purchasing decisions positively. Therefore, trust badges do increase conversions for businesses and e-commerce stores.

  • Is it a must to place trust badges on places like website footers and headers, checkout pages, product pages, etc? 

It is not compulsory, but it is important to place them in these places if a store truly wants increased sales. Why? It is simply because these places are the hotspots for buying page visitors. Therefore, they have higher visibility for the right audience for a store. And they directly contribute to the conversion rates of a store.

  • What are the best free trust badge apps to use for a Shopify store?

Simply search “trust badges” in the Shopify app store, and you will get a list of trust badges apps available for Shopify stores. The top ones include Trust Me, Avada, Trust Badges Bear. 

Wrapping up 

Regardless of the numerous types of trust badges highlighted above, it is not compulsory to use them all. Remember, the result of trust badge addition to your store shopping page is increased customer trust. Hence, if it is just one or two trust badges that are relevant and available on your products and store, stick with just these. 

Also, you can always shuffle and monitor the performances between these types of badges in usage to discover the best fit for your Shopify store. Just do not forget that you only want to make more sales, but not lie or promise what your business can’t deliver to your store page visitors and customers.

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