SEOAnt Blogging
Looking to increase the reach and visibility of your Shopify store? SEOAnt Blog is here to provide the best tricks and tips on how. Gain valuable insights into the intricacies of optimizing SEO, growth strategies, customer trust building, and conversion increases now.

Bulk Edit
This Feature helps you to edit all of your alt text, meta title, and meta description at once. In this document…
Image ALT Text
What is Image ALT Text? Image ALT Text can help search engine better understand what…
How does SEO Ant’s JSON feature affect your site?
What is JSON? JSON-LD stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data,it will help search…
How get your daily missing page reports?
SEO Ant can email your daily missing page report by 4 steps. 1. Click “Setting” …
What is SEO metadata
Meta tags are computer code that contains metadata. Simply put, meta tags contain descriptive data…
Why are my page not being indexed by Google?
A lot of things appear on Google that many people around the world can see….